Love driving around in sub zero temperatures in my Tesla and watching the sunsets, so different so amazing.
Sunset during a drive home |
Love driving around in sub zero temperatures in my Tesla and watching the sunsets, so different so amazing.
Sunset during a drive home |
Got the 2021.4.3 Update last night. Looked this morning and it appears that there were no major improvements, just minor bug fixes.
Tesla Update 2021.4.3 |
I finally got a Tesla Boombox feature working on my Model 3, almost a month after release...maybe because of the cold or maybe just lack of time to sit with a computer and get it figured out. Anyways, I made a short instructional video on how to format a single USB drive using Windows 10 for both the Tesla Dashcam and Tesla Boombox. Well actually all three, when Tesla Track Mode is included in the mix.
Got the 2020.48.35.5 Update last night. Seems like it is minor improvements, no major items from the last release of 2020.48.35. Just a minor release.
Release Notes Improvements |
2020.48.30 Update |