Friday, October 9, 2020

Update October 2020 - Glovebox PIN, Speed Assist and BT Priority

 The October 2020 update dropped for my Model 3 and it has 3 nice little goodies.

Oct 2020 update features

I really appreciate the Speed Assist Improvements because I use Autopilot a lot and even though the highway speed detection has gotten better with the last update, the more local (those county and city roads with 65, 55 and 35 mph limits switching around) it was still dicey. This caused me concerns when going through small towns where the income is based on traffic tickets, basically made me double check Autopilot's speed management whereas I want to be a lazier driver 😎.

Looking a little deeper at the other improvements...

Under Safety & Security, a swipe icon for Glovebox PIN

New Glovebox PIN option
Swiping it to the right asks for a PIN to be entered. Which can be reset if forgotten by using the Tesal account.
Glovebox PIN entry
Once enabled, you are promptd to enter prin when opening glovebox via button on voice command.

Glovebox PIN enabled

The other feature is Bluetooth priority. I can see that being used if you have multiple devices or multiple people linked via  Bluetooth are sitting in the car simultaneously with their devices or even when the car is in the garage and it picks up on another device which is in the house :-) Wish my othe cars did that because it is so annoying.

Click on the Bluetooth icon on the top right and priority can be set for a device.
Added Bluetooth Device Priority

That device has a yellow star next to it in the list of BT devices.
Priority set to my Pixel 4